My First Block Placement

I'm officially half way through my first block placement and so I felt like I should tell everyone a little bit about it. I've been placed in a fifth grade class at Prince of Wales Elementary (POW). POW is a brand new (build in 2008) inner city school located right next to Ivor Wynne Stadium.

As an inner city school, POW has some problems that are associated with the area. To aid children who come from lower income families, POW offers a free breakfast program, a milk program, and free backpacks and shoes to students who are in need of them.

POW also boasts some of the most up to date technology in nearly every single classroom. This includes SMART Boards, First Class audio systems, Livescribe pens (although in limited supply), and a document camera (which is a bit mysterious in nature, as it apparently exists but no one knows where it is).

Say hello to my first block placement!

As I previously mentioned, I've been placed in a fifth grade class. I was a bit worried at first, to be completely honest, when I first learned I had been placed in a class filled with 10 year old children. Most of my experience has been with youths between the ages of 13-19. So you can imagine that I was a little apprehensive. However, I was also excited. As I said, I hadn't worked with children this young before and I imagined it would fun and a great opportunity for experience. 

I'm happy to say that I was right! Not only am I having a great time but I am learning more than I ever could have hoped to have learned sitting in a classroom at the university (no offense to BrockU of course). Every single one of my fears, doubts and concerns have melted away into a confidence that I wasn't sure I had before I stepped into the classroom. I am excited to see what the rest of the placement brings me :)

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