My Learning Object

The learning object I chose is Tagxedo! Tagxedo is an amazing website that allows you to make... well they are basically shape poems. It provides you with shape templates and you choose words to insert into the shape. Eventually, after choosing enough words, the words make up the shape of the template you've chosen. For example, I made one about Dinosaurs. It sort of looks like a dinosaur, it would look a lot better if I added more dinosaur-y words to it and really filled it out. Tagxedo aligns nicely with these specific expectations from the grade four language curriculum documents:


1. Developing and Organizing Content 

By the end of Grade 4, students will: 

Purpose and Audience 

1.1 identify the topic, purpose, and audience for a variety of writing forms (e.g., a cinquain or shape poem modelled on the structures and style of poems read, to contribute to a student poetry anthology for the school library; a set of directions to complete a science experiment on pulleys and gears, for a class presentation; a timeline of significant events in the writer's life, to accompany a biography for a class collection) 
Teacher prompts: "How will you identify your topic?" "What is the purpose of your writing?" "What formwill best suit the purpose?" "Who will your audience be?" 
Tagxedo is great for creating the shape poems needed for this specific expectation.
Developing Ideas 
1.2 generate ideas about a potential topic using a variety of strategies and resources (e.g., brainstorm; formulate and ask questions to identify personal experiences, prior knowledge, and information needs).
Tagxedo is great for brainstorming and word association!

And there you have it folks, Tagxedo in a nutshell :D

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